Adult & Adolescent Males
This comprehensive, 6-month intensive course consists of 24 video and textual lessons, critical thinking assignments and comprehension quizzes, delivered in three phases (Phase I, Phase II & Phase III). Professionally captured video content is designed to intrigue and capture the attention of adult and adolescent males, sparking their curiosity as they progress through the course. The visual aesthetics, music and textual content communicate strength, wisdom and success to the learner. We believe men, young or old, will only accept criticism and constructive feedback from men they admire and respect; men they can relate to. As such, only men can facilitate the E1 Leadership Development Program. We strongly believe in men leading men.
This online course provides participants with unrestricted access via desktop, laptop, iPad, mobile app or smartphone. Although it is a self-paced course, participants realize the greatest benefit when the course is facilitated in small or large group settings.
With E1 training, we create a safe space for participants to open the door to hidden thoughts, anger, fears and other destructive emotions. Men are invited to freely and candidly explore those areas of their lives with which they are most dissatisfied (e.g. circumstances, relationships, career, finances, etc.). We focus heavily on reclaiming responsibility for one's own thoughts and behaviors while teaching them the art and benefits of emotional mastery.
A man's ego and all of his faulty beliefs take a beating due to what we call, "Perspective Realignment". Character is redefined around what manhood is and isn't; men are taught how to reset the thermostat on wayward emotions; the deadly pitfalls that ensnare men are openly challenged; and participants seize the opportunity to embrace a new way of thinking about how to respond to the world around them. At the conclusion of the program, men are prepared to reclaim their seats of authority by evidencing good character, embracing sound beliefs, and demonstrating emotional mastery supported by unwavering leadership principles.
E1 Leadership Development
We partner with schools, correctional institutions, community centers, and non-profit organizations that work toward preventing recidivism and advancing the needs of opportunity youth.